Friday, December 30, 2011
Musings at the Church Christmas Concert
God took His love, and made the Infinite as small as a
...and wrapped it in flesh
(bruisable, betrayable flesh)
And lived His love among us
we ripped at the packaging and
tore open the gift...
only to find
and forgiveness inside.
He does not and will not take away
our will, in order to turn us into
automatons or
but He gives us the freedom to choose...
and when we chose
He set Himself in the middle of our path,
bent on destruction
and willingly received the brunt of our choice of
"not God"
canceling out all our hurts, and hurtings
("by his stripes...")
to present us with a new way ("I am the Way...")
With all our errors forgiven
and erased
and placed in our hands the
Freedom to do the same.
To give out of the abundance of what
we've been given
and not be black holes
of need
To love with the same abandon
To be an oasis of safety
in a very
unsafe world.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:9-10
Oh God. Help me to love like You do.
Arm's Length
in the mirror
The iron backbone
The guarded words
The arm's length
The just-one-more-day, Lord
...and tomorrow, again
When those you have laughed with
and cried with
and loved
and trusted
and let in the door
turn on you with all the serpent's venom
(truly, it's NOT theirs...)
it is hard to open the door again
once you feel you have finally
got it
of them.
"To love is to be vulnerable" - CS Lewis
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Jesu, Joy...
- Wohl mir, daß ich Jesum habe,
- o wie feste halt' ich ihn,
- daß er mir mein Herze labe,
- wenn ich krank und traurig bin.
- Jesum hab' ich, der mich liebet
- und sich mir zu eigen giebet,
- ach drum laß' ich Jesum nicht,
- wenn mir gleich mein Herze bricht.
- Jesus bleibet meine Freude,
- meines Herzens Trost und Saft,
- Jesus wehret allem Leide,
- er ist meines Lebens Kraft,
- meiner Augen Lust und Sonne,
- meiner Seele Schatz und Wonne;
- darum laß' ich Jesum nicht
- aus dem Herzen und Gesicht.
- Praying for a friend this morning, the title of this song came to mind... in English... though now I'm not so sure it was for me instead of her.
- The original is so much better.
- How is it that God knows
- What we need to hear... and when?
- Danke, Jesu.
English translation found here. ... make sure to scroll below the German text.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Yours Truly
Monday, December 19, 2011
Stupid Law.
Friday, December 16, 2011
rainy snow days and gratitude
Then at Gram's doctor's appointment, a sliver of a gift, pie-size hope for an appointment of my own before going back to Peru... and budgetable as well.
On those heels followed the news that my afternoon AND evening plans were cancelled...
Monday, December 12, 2011
(Not) A Superhero
and worship Jesus,
...because we don't/can't earn God's love.
And He loves me still... this is what gives me the strength to stand.
I thank God for Jonah.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Christmas Cheer

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I John 1:9 states "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin." Light, sincerity, fellowship, forgiveness. The enemy's imitation is to convince us of the need to project an image of who we want to be seen as - hip, funny, sexy, caring, tough, conservative, liberal, religious, cool, etc. etc.... and try to hold that up for all to see and believe. The problem then is that love can only hit the mask, not the heart... so we are left empty and insecure. So I thought about other imitations and here they are. Forgive my Dr. Seuss-ishness.
Come and trade my friends...
not grasping at pleasure and pelf
a fleeting win.
*Please hear no judgement here. Some of my best friends are divorced for very good reasons. But I venture that what the world calls and proposes as "love" is really selfishness in disguise, a "you for me" mentality and not the "you and I, and I for you" that I see in the Word.
Monday, November 28, 2011
One month away.
Friday, November 25, 2011
To a frenetic-ly good cook
Beautiful girl...
Your mind is full of thoughts and frettings of what-ifs and if-onlys a
perpetual cyclone of maybe-I-coulds and why-can't-it-bes that
spin round and round, keeping you awake to wee hours and
even in your silences they continually scream out
your shame and
tell you what you have lost and
what you could've
should have
If you had a thousand hands, perhaps
just then
you could hold everything together.
Or if you had ten thousand words, maybe then
you could say the
right ones.
Sweet girl.
Let the past be for a while...
quiet your mind
about the future
and just breathe.
And better yet...
Turn it All into the hands of
the Greatest Baker.
Who will knead
the bitter
together with
the sweet.
And let it rise
in His time.
To be cooked to the perfection
of His grace.
And He will make something
that will surprise
even the best
and most productive
of cooks.
all the wounds in
Slipping Words
Friday, November 18, 2011
In the Beginning was the Word
I think they might be coming back.
Maybe they're hiding around the next bend...
I'll just keep walking.
Just in case.
Monday, February 21, 2011
self. justification. and something called humility.

Lately the theme of self has been rising up strong in my heart. Self-righteousness. Self-justification. Last night was the first night at a small cell group that is springing up from a church whose doors have closed due to lack of a pastor, and I went with two other young men here from Nauta. To my shame, my first thought, my first instinct was pride. “Look what I am doing! Now I have something to write home about, now I have something to show to justify my existence here as a missionary. This is what missionaries are supposed to do, right? Bible studies, and cell groups, leading people to Christ and teaching and training others!” These are good things, but God sees our heart – and it is laughable to have such an attitude of self-aggrandizement. Naturally, f there is any growth, any revelation of Christ there to their hearts, it will come from the Holy Spirit, not from Holy Crystal. Why do we have this need, this hunger to look good to those around us, even spiritually, to justify ourselves in the eyes of men and not first to be pleasing in the eyes of God? I'll tell you. It's pride, which is straight from the sulfurous pit. Do we feel we are lacking? We look for a way to “prove” ourselves worthy. This is not the way of the cross.
Jesus continually said, “not my will, but Yours be done, Father.” Continually. Daily. Hourly. By the minute. This is humility and this is the opposite of the Satanic pride and selfishness that would devour us.
“We must seek a humility that rests in nothing less than the end and death of self; that gives up all the honor of men, as Jesus did, to seek the honor tha comes from God alone; that absolutely makes and considers itself nothing so that God may be all, so that the Lord alone may be exalted. Until we seek humility in Christ as our chief joy and welcome it at any price, there is very little hope of a religion that will conquer the world.” (Andrew Murray, Humility)
This means to take advantage of every opportunity to be stripped of our pride, to die to self, every opportunity to serve, especially the least of these, every chance to be humbled, even humiliated. If there is one thing that comes to mind that makes you say, “But I can't do THAT... what would people think? They would think that I am a fanatic, a lunatic, a misguided fool. I will look foolish, will be thought less of...” Praise God for that very opportunity and take advantage with joy of the chance to be made less that Christ might be made more. Does God call us to praise Him in a public place? Praise Him!! Does He call us to lay your hands on a sick person, on a dead person even – Lay hands and pray that the power of God may be seen and that He might be glorified!! What is the only thing we can lose? Pride. And praise God for its loss!!!! Let's believe that He who called is faithful, and let His glory shine. His. If there is something that comes to mind that makes us say, “THAT is too much for me – it is a work that is too hard, too dirty, too demeaning,” Praise God for such a chance to lose our sense of “rights” and “privilege” and to serve the only Living God with all your being. If there is someone who comes to mind that pushes our buttons or rubs us the wrong way, one who insults us, takes advantage of us or pokes fun at us, praise God!!! These are the people that we need to remind us that we too were loved by God even when we were rebellious, cruel and in desperate need of a Savior. How then did God treat us? With grace, love and truth. Are we accused? Let God be our defender. Are we misunderstood? Let God be the one who sees and understands us. Not that we might take pride in our humility, but that the glory of the Son of God might be seen in us and not ourselves. Not myself. Praise Him!