How is the law so insidious?
Even knowing the truth that it's all
about grace, that it's all about faith and NOT works, - the law had
crept back into my life.
I mean – it's about who I am, I know –
but what I DO matters too, right?
...I almost didn't notice
I was priding myself on seeking to
please God, and Not going easy on sin in my life – not a bad thing. Actually neither of those are bad things. But as has been pointed out to me
time and time again, it's not the bad thing in life that sets itself up against the
best – it's the good. The almost-best. That tricks us and tantalizes
us – Eve did not bite into a piece of ugly or rotten fruit.
A few days after a dear friend told me
that I was being too hard on myself – and I brushed them off with a
mental but self-righteous, “how could they understand?” – God
hit me. Very gently. Like He always does...
It started with another friend who had
just bought a book – and it looked good. So I borrowed it for two
days... 'cause-I-don't-really-have-time-to-read-it, but-I-could-skim-it... and I ended up keeping it for two more days and not being able
to put it down. One thing the author
said JUMPED out at me:
the choice to please God or trust God, good girls become
conflicted,... [it is like] a fork in the road. The marker to the
left simply says Pleasing God. The one leading to the right reads
Trusting God. It is hard to choose one over the other, because both
roads have a good feel to them... it becomes obvious that we will not
be able to jump back and forth between the two paths. We must choose
one. Only one.”
“But isn't trusting God pleasing Him too?” you might ask... and rightfully so. I mean, that's
what I thought at first, so it must be ok... :) ... but what's your motivation?
Here's the problem:
What if you already were
pleasing to God?
What if He already delighted in you? I
mean, He made you – so might it not stand to reason that He actually likes
you? Then taking the path “Pleasing God” would be like trying to
buy something that you already had. Or taking a gift back to the
store and trying to pay for it again. Why would you ever want to do that?
God has been hounding me for the last
four years with the statement, “Crystal, you can't earn love. You
Can't do it.” And I halfway understand Him... but then try to do
just that, again. Please Him. Please others. Again.... And then I feel like
I'm failing. Again. And I try to run away. Or hide. Or pretend that
all is well... But... What if He already were pleased?... how
dang freeing would that be...? To just be loved by Him... and to love in
return... even if it were imperfectly? And then how much easier to
trust Him... if His love truly. is. unconditional?
I was reminded of a teaching about
Jesus that hit me hard once,
waaaaay back:
Before He did any miracles, before he
healed any sick, raised any dead, preached any sermons, restored sight to
any blind... before He walked on water and waaaay before He laid His
life down, God looked down from Heaven and said, “This is my
beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” Before it all.
Before he did anything to
earn that.
you say, but wasn't Jesus perfect? He didn't do anything bad
[Oh, Perfect. Something
that, alas, I never will be this side of Heaven...
praise God. I so want to be, it is an
unholy addiction.]
Yes, He was. And because of that, I
am ok too... because He shielded me as I was in the path of a
righteous and holy and perfect God ... and all the imperfect things I ever did, am doing and will
ever do were nailed to that cross with Him – and they don't count
against me anymore. None of it. “For
our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we
might become the righteousness of God.”
Nada. Zilch. Nul. Nothing. The only thing that counts is the stuff
that's for me... that I'm His
daughter. And that He made me. And that He likes me. And that I can trust

So. I
think I am going to practice this. Waking up every day and saying
Thank You, Father for being pleased
with me and for loving me, just as I am. And tell Him that I really hope to hear Him and follow Him around, seeing what He does. 'Cause I know
He loves me. And He wants to be with me (Jesus said so!). And maybe by being with Him, He'll rub off on me... and people will feel safe around me - like sinners felt with Jesus - and loved - like I am learning to be.
the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory,
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace
and truth.”
John 1:14
Merry Everything, friends.
ps. If you're the kind of person that wants a ton of scripture to back up stuff, GREAT. Hit me up and I'll send it all painstakingly detailed your way.