"Hermana, could you come with me today to visit my sick brother (in Christ, not by blood)?" I tried to stall for time to answer, "What time do you want to go? Let me think... I need to be back in time to make supper, it's my turn to cook tonight. Where is he?" Trying to sound like I care (I truly want to care, but the weight of my thoughts makes me listless), while inwardly acknowledging the reality that I might rather stay home... and do what? There was truly no good excuse. And isn't this what I'm here for? To be available to meet others in their need? She was ready to leave immediately, I just had to pull myself together, so I gave her an affirmative answer, and asked for an hour or so to "take care of some things." Like getting up, eating, getting dressed and trying to press in to a devotional time with God.

A year ago he had been diagnosed with a malignant cancer, and given a year to live. He was in bed, rail-thin, a man in his late 50's more or less, with a still dignified demeanor even on his deathbed. His yellowed eyes gave away his quickly deteriorating condition, but we chatted about the weather, my friend Sofia's early years as a believer, and his family. He had been a police officer, and had 9 children, not all by the same woman. He had his sweet wife Yoli bring out the certificates he had earned in courses taken for chaplaincy service after coming to Christ. I was impressed by his effort to better himself to serve those around him. Then we sang and prayed together. "Tu fidelidad es grande..." "Your faithfulness is great..." As we prayed, he started to writhe and moan, and all my doubts of my ability in my present state to minister to anyone flooded in, but I continued to feel led to pray against depression and discouragement... and God showed up. Turns out God isn't limited by our imperfections - asking in faith in His goodness even apart from our worthiness is enough. Gustavo stopped writhing and started nodding. "Gracias, Señor." "What do you feel, brother?" I asked. "Peace. A lot of peace." Just what we'd been asking for. My heart flooded in gratitude and awe at the mercy of God.
Later Sofia told me of how he had been wounded by the church, and how pastoral jealousy had kept him from meeting his full potential to serve. How the pastor had never visited him, even after knowing that his cancer was fatal, and on one occasion when he had felt well enough to attend a service, had remarked that "nowadays it takes cancer to get people to go to church." Wounded people wound others, and the wounds of discouragement were deep. Sofia felt sure that this is what left him as we were praying.
On the way home, I wondered at a God who uses the broken to bring healing to others. Who took a womanizing police officer and turned him into a police chaplain and family counselor. Who planted a transformed police officer in the middle of a corrupt and delinquent sector of the city and whose family, even in his sickness, is a beacon of light to those around them. Who got a depressed girl out of bed on a Wednesday morning to go pray against discouragement and depression in a terminal cancer patient. Truly, great is His faithfulness.
God bless you greatly for your willingness to get up out of your troubled bed to minister to go with your friend and to minister to this man. Yes, God uses those of us who are depressed, bothered and bewildered as long as we answer the call in the affirmative. Who else can He use?